Their purpose: to exchange information, views, experiences and difficulties encountered. At this stage, the Association was little more than a social club. Today, IATM is truly an „International Association“, with members throughout Australasia, Europe, India, Israel, North and South America, and Taiwan.
In 1983 IATM was divided into Regions to cope with the worldwide growth in membership. Each Regional Chairman is appointed to the IATM Board of Directors. This arrangement allows for a measure of local autonomy and for attention to be given to local needs and interests.
Since 1984 IATM has been actively involved representing the interests of Tour Managers to the institutions of the EU, specifically working toward recognition of the profession of Tour Manager. In 1992 the EU approved a syllabus for the training of professional Tour Managers which became the basis of the Certificate of Tour Management (CTM). The CTM examination is open to Active members of IATM and affords them the opportunity to gain a qualification which recognizes their professional commitment and ability.
IATM has a long and proud relationship with the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) having been an Allied member of ASTA since the earliest days of the association. We also maintain close links with the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (WFTGA).
Recognising the value of advance information of proposed EU legislation, and thus being able to influence its outcome, in 1994 IATM became a full member of ETAG (European Travel and Tourism Action Group).
In 2004 IATM joined the European Tour Operators Association (ETOA) allowing us to maintain close co-operation with Tour Operators and to discuss issues of common interest.
Important issues currently being discussed include: the employment status of Tour Managers: recognition of the added-value of Tour Managers; relations with Tourist Guides; free movement within the E.U.; working hours; and the dynamic nature of modern Group Package Travel.
Professional IATM is the professional Association of experienced Tour Managers (Active Members), founded almost forty years ago, now having members all over the world, and is lobbying for full professional recognition. | Training IATM organises educational tours, visits and programmes, promoting and encouraging among its members the highest standards of performance and knowledge. |
Representation IATM is the body which represents the views of Tour Managers at national, European Union and international levels. | Up to date IATM publishes regular newsletters and an annual directory, providing a specialised forum within the market-place. |
Support IATM provides a dispute procedure upon legitimate written complaint and, when necessary, operates a disciplinary function over its members or a defence procedure on their behalf. | Social aspect IATM holds an Annual General Meeting and bi-annual Convention, where members can exchange views, help form association policy and attend seminars and lectures. Plus it fully cooperates with other trade organisations. |