19th-20th May 2019 - IATM, NORDIC REGION are pleased to announce that their AGM and Annual Meeting will take place in Copenhagen, venue to be advised.
Thursday 17th January, 2019 - IATM, 57th Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting of the International Association of Tour Managers Ltd will be held on the afternoon of the 17th January 2019 in Palermo, Sicily. This will be followed by a Post Tour of East Sicily from 19/23 January 2019. More details are in the latest Newsletter.
Wednesday 3rd April 2019 - British Region AGM - 2.00pm at the Freemasons Arms, Covent Garden, London WC2E
End of November 2018An invitation to join the Italian Region for their AGM and weekend in Italy. Details to be advised as soon as possible.
November 15th, 2019 - CER Region AGM in Klagenfurth
November 19 to 29, 2019 Study Tour in Slovenia including Maribor; Ljubljana, Piran and Lipiza. Ending in Trieste.